October 1967. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin set out on horseback along the Bluff Creek drainage north of Eureka, California on a mission to capture images of Bigfoot on film. As luck would have it, they found him or, er, her. Forty-three years later, the short film captured by Roger Patterson remains some of the most controversial film footage ever produced. Among those who have claimed the film is a fake -- a man in an ape suit -- no one has been able to reproduce the realism in the Patterson film. Personally, I'm a believer. Have you ever seen any movies made in the 1960's that included a gorilla or other monster that looked this real? Personally, I'm hard pressed to believe that a couple of goofs with a rented 16 mm movie camera could have put together a gorilla suit that looked more realistic than what Hollywood was producing at the time.
Patterson went to his deathbed asserting that the film shows a real Bigfoot and, even today, Bob Gimlin claims that although it is possible that Patterson fooled him, he was never part of any hoax.
- Charlie
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